Agent: Rosemary Stimola, Stimola Literary Studio. Teeming with compassion and insight, Watson’s story trumpets the power of artistic expression to re-envision and change the world. Tonight I am taking ugly and making beautiful.” Jade’s narrative voice offers compelling reflections on the complexities of race and gender, class and privilege, and fear and courage, while conveying the conflicted emotions of an ambitious, loyal girl. RENE WATSON is the author of the teen novel, This Side of Home, and two acclaimed. 14, 2017 Sixteen-year-old Jade dreams of success beyond her neighborhood despite the prejudices that surround her.

Rearranging reality, redefining, covering, disguising. 9781681191058 Our cheapest price for Piecing Me Together is 1.40. PIECING ME TOGETHER by Rene Watson RELEASE DATE: Feb. In short, poetic chapters, Jade ponders her family, school, and neighborhood relationships, wondering where she fits in: “How I am someone’s answered prayer but also someone’s deferred dream.” Watson ( This Side of Home) weaves collage imagery throughout the story as Jade ruminates over historical figures such as York, the slave who traveled with Lewis and Clark, and distressing current events, including police violence against a neighborhood girl: “I am ripping and cutting. Jade Butler, an African-American artist-in-the-making, lives with her mother in Portland, Ore., and travels by bus to private school, where she is both grateful for and resentful of the opportunities presented to her.